Signs And Causes Of Bronchitis | Herbal Remedies For Bronchitis

Designed by Freepik Bronchitis (Latin bronchitis, from bronchus + -itis - inflammation) is a disease related to the respiratory system of the human body, in which bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process. It is one of the frequent reasons for seeking medical help. In most cases the main cause of acute bronchitis  is an infection - viral or bacterial. In such case drugs and antibiotics are required to treat acute bronchitis.   Chronic bronchitis can develop as a complication of acute bronchitis, or as a result of a prolonged effect of non-infectious irritating factors, such as dust. In some cases, bronchitis develops in the bronchial obstruction due to the edema of the mucous membrane, such bronchitis is called obstructive. Treatment of bronchitis depends on the provoking factor, such as the course and form of the disease. Signs and symptoms of Acute Bronchitis Tyrol5 Acute bronchitis usually lasts about 10 days. Like other respiratory diseases, bronchit




As it is said in a famous Chinese aphorism,"When a tree grows old, then its root grows old first, when a person grows old, then his legs grow old first". When an old friend of mine first told me this saying, I though there should be some important message in it. My curiosity led me to do my homework to decode this message. Finally I found it. It turns out that a good number (around 100) of vital reflexology points are located on our feet. In this article, I will tell you what reflexology is, the benefits of foot rub and give you some foot massage tips.


The Cochrane Collaboration defines reflexology as follows: "Reflexology is gentle manipulation or pressing on certain parts of the foot to produce an effect elsewhere in the body". Simply put, reflexology is finding and rubbing that magical buttons on your feet to relax and recover.

The miraculous properties of Chinese foot massage are based on the principles of reflexology. They have been cultivated for thousands of years by masters and practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. According to these principles, there are 60 to 100 points on the human foot, each of which are linked to a certain organ or part of the body. Thus the condition of your foot is a kind of mirror that reflects the state of internal organs.


Stimulating reflex points by properly pressuring allows to achieve relaxation, relieve stress and even help the body to fight illnesses and resist diseases.
One of the main techniques in acupressure is foot massage since the maximum number of vital points (about 100) is exactly on the feet. Acupressure allows you to treat diseases of legs and other organs. This method relieves pain and fatigue in your legs, restores the functionality of the feet. Quickly and effectively, foot massage helps with migraine, arthritis, insomnia and bad mood. A proper foot rub improves the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It also helps to restore respiratory and digestive organs. Foot massage is usually applied in combination with hand and back massages.


PreparationWash your hands and feet with warm water and dry with towel. Lightly heat the massage oil.

Position of the body. Sit with your legs crossed. If you feel tension in the back, arrange a support under your back and buttocks. Put the roller towel under the knee of the massaged foot, grasp the foot.

FOOT MASSAGE - LOTUS POSITIONMassage. First, lubricate both feet with heated oil. Then knead the feet in turns. First - rub the sole from the heel to the fingers and back. Twist and pull each finger. Then massage the reflex zones. Usually this is done with your thumb, pressing hard, rubbing the area in a circular motion. Take a relaxed foot with your hand and twist it carefully to warm up the joints ankle, fingers, heel. It is important that the foot should not strain, and all the movements should be performed only by hands.
Foot massage with elbow. It is very convenient and requires much less effort than finger massage. You need to sit in lotus position or half-lotus and massage the soles of the foot with your elbow. More pressure can be created by pressing the palm on the palm of your hand.
Frequency and duration. Do foot massage feet for 5 minutes each, but every day, or every other day. Then the effect will not keep you waiting.


Infectious diseases with fever; tumor or the risk of metastases; phlebeurysm; inflammation of the joints of the foot (massage only reflexogenic zones without touching the joints). Do not massage subcutaneous seals, fungal lesions, warts and birthmarks. 
Do not exaggerate the therapeutic effect of foot massage.  Although this is a great way to take care of health, it is not a panacea for all diseases.


Alternatively, you can read this great massage-book about traditional Chinese massage therapy and natural healing  written by Master Lim, Chinese reflexology expert, to learn and heal yourself and the ones you love and care about.

Moreover, these are the best foot massage gadgets from Amazon that will surely come in handy in your foot massage experience. Drink your herbal tea, relax, let the gadgets do the foot rub and always feel good.


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