Signs And Causes Of Bronchitis | Herbal Remedies For Bronchitis

Designed by Freepik Bronchitis (Latin bronchitis, from bronchus + -itis - inflammation) is a disease related to the respiratory system of the human body, in which bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process. It is one of the frequent reasons for seeking medical help. In most cases the main cause of acute bronchitis  is an infection - viral or bacterial. In such case drugs and antibiotics are required to treat acute bronchitis.   Chronic bronchitis can develop as a complication of acute bronchitis, or as a result of a prolonged effect of non-infectious irritating factors, such as dust. In some cases, bronchitis develops in the bronchial obstruction due to the edema of the mucous membrane, such bronchitis is called obstructive. Treatment of bronchitis depends on the provoking factor, such as the course and form of the disease. Signs and symptoms of Acute Bronchitis Tyrol5 Acute bronchitis usually lasts about 10 days. Like other respiratory diseases,...



Hair loss is always unpleasant, especially for women. As soon as hair starts to fall out, we frantically begin our “remedies for hair loss” quest in every nook and cranny. However, before using this or that remedy, try to find out - why is your hair shedding? In this article, I will talk about the main causes of hair loss.

Iron deficiency
HAIR LOSS | HAIR FALL CAUSES - Iron deficiency

8 out of 10 women suffer from iron deficiency in varying degrees. Deficiency of iron or anemia in women is observed, as a rule, at menopause. However, an inadequate amount of meat in the diet can also cause anemia. In case of anemia, the whole body and hair follicles, in particular, lack oxygen. Due to the lack of oxygen, hair becomes dull and brittle, with split ends, and hair falls out.

Iron deficiency can be detected a general blood test. Such an analysis will show the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells. If their rates are below par, you need to change your diet or start taking iron preparations.

Hormonal disorders

Childbirth or abortion is often the cause of hormonal failure in the body of a woman. This imbalance of hormones leads to hair loss. In this case, there is no need to panic, gradually the hormonal background will become normalized and hair will cease to fall out. However, if you see no improvements within 2-3 months, you need to contact the endocrinologist.


It's also a good idea to take a blood sugar test to exclude diabetes. All in all, diabetes is also one of the reasons for increased hair loss.


Hair loss can also be attributed to chronic constipation. With constipation, our body will not be able to get rid of toxins in time; as a result it starts to let them out in other ways; for example, through sebaceous glands. That's why people who suffer from constipation often have oily skin and hair. As a result, the increased greasiness of hair leads to its loss.

In this case, it is important to improve the functioning of the intestines with the help of:

1) Nutrition rich in fiber;
2) Compliance with proper drinking regime, namely - to drink at least one and a half or two liters of clean water a day;
To get rid of constipation, it is also important that you should be physically active as much as possible. In addition, the proper function of intestines can be regulated through cleansing procedures. As a last resort - laxative medicinal plants, such as Senna, buckthorn, etc. can be used as herbal tea from the leaves. Senna is considered to be a bowel stimulant on the myenteric plexus of the colon to induce peristaltic contractions and decrease water absorption from inside the colon, effects that would provide relief from constipation.

Stress causes hair loss

When a person is overwhelmed by stress, the body will reduce the production of hormones that are necessary for hair growth. Old hair pieces fall out, and the new ones will not grow and, as a result, hair thins out. However, stress is a characteristic condition for most residents of megacities. What to do? It is necessary to learn to relieve nervous tension with the help of relaxation, yoga, and by going to gym. Consequently, your hair will again please you with its density and volume.

Cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis causes Hair loss

With cervical osteochondrosis, the nerve endings between the vertebrae in the neck are jammed, as a result, vessels feeding the hair follicles will be impaired, and hair loss occurs. Therefore it is important to regularly massage the posterior surface of the neck and shoulders, paying special attention to pain points in order to prevent and treat of cervical osteochondrosis. 

I will keep sharing natural remedies for hair loss. So please stay tuned!

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  1. Thank you, Mr.Shera! This post helped me a lot! Shared it!

    1. I am happy it helped you. Stay tuned and be always healthy!


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