Signs And Causes Of Bronchitis | Herbal Remedies For Bronchitis

Designed by Freepik Bronchitis (Latin bronchitis, from bronchus + -itis - inflammation) is a disease related to the respiratory system of the human body, in which bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process. It is one of the frequent reasons for seeking medical help. In most cases the main cause of acute bronchitis  is an infection - viral or bacterial. In such case drugs and antibiotics are required to treat acute bronchitis.   Chronic bronchitis can develop as a complication of acute bronchitis, or as a result of a prolonged effect of non-infectious irritating factors, such as dust. In some cases, bronchitis develops in the bronchial obstruction due to the edema of the mucous membrane, such bronchitis is called obstructive. Treatment of bronchitis depends on the provoking factor, such as the course and form of the disease. Signs and symptoms of Acute Bronchitis Tyrol5 Acute bronchitis usually lasts about 10 days. Like other respiratory diseases,...

How to remember the number of days in each month?

How to remember fast the number of days
credit:By Tijmen Stam / IIVQ - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Can you quickly tell how many days are there in May, March and October etc? I bet most of us get a little confused to remember the number of days without looking at the calendar, at least once in a month. A technique below will literally come in handy in how to memorize fast the number of days in a month. The knuckle mnemonic helps you easily find the number of days in each month of the Gregorian calendar. The technique has been developed by Tijmen Stam.

In this beautiful pattern

, as you may have noticed, months landing on the knuckles represent "31". Knuckle 31 appears every other time or simply right on each finger. The rest of the numbers, between the knuckles, are all 30s with the exception of 28 (29 in a leap year), which represents February. This is undoubtedly the best way of how to memorize fast.

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